Digital Fashion Designing: The new way of Fashion Designing!
"As you know In past few years technology has developed so much that even drawing can be done now in a digital way. A complete education, skill, and creative mind are what you require to draw.
Now digital designing has become a part of Fashion Designing Industry. The designer draws their outfit in a digital way using various vector tools & Softwares."
- Fashion Entrepreneurs
- Fashion Consultant
- Assistant Designer
- Fashion Coordinators
Think different, Do exellent!
In This course you will learn a digital way of fashion designing with use of colour tools to create customised colour harmony palettes and design ranges in multiple colourways. Furthermore, you'll arrange your designs with text annotations in a special sheet and export them in any other format and for transfer to anyone. Finally you will learn how to use smartphone apps for iPhone and Android to capture colour themes, brushes and shapes that can be used in your designing software details and patterns.
Digital Printing!
In his course we are specially introduce the fascinating world of digital print for textiles using the latest in digital printing technology. You will get opportunity to explore fashion collections and designers who use these techniques to enhance your knowledge of the medium. Digital printing offers fast paced results with strong visual impact. Unlike conventional printing methods, it configure the designs to be reproduced accurately and without the loss of subtle or intricate detailing.